Saturday, June 30, 2018

Extras from additional readings (week 4)

This week I wanted to highlight a journal article I found during my research.  It's from Dr. Anthony Chow who, at the time of its printing in TechTrends, was the Online Director of Learning for the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.  The article is titled "One educational technology colleague's journey from dotcom leadership to university e-learning systems leadership: Merging design principles, systemic change and leadership thinking."  He starts with an interesting visual representation of a map that highlights internet activity in the world.  There were large areas of darkness in certain regions of China and the Amazon, but the USA was completely lit up.  When I think of that representation, it is hard to fathom how we could possibly manage or keep up with technology.  It is growing at such a rapid pace, how can we possibly prepare our middle schoolers for the jobs of the future?  Systemic change needs to happen, but how can we possibly all agree on what changes to make, much less on how to make them.  Admittedly, this article provided more questions than answers for me, but questions are good - especially ones that really make you think!

BTW...I found the article using  If you are in K-12 education and you are not using Discus or teaching your students how to use Discus, you should be!  It's free thanks to the South Carolina State Library!

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